Ink gauge: 73–74

Ink tank(s): 2–3, 76 capacity: 82 maintenance: 81–82 replacing: 88–90 run out of ink: 82 specifications: 147 yield: 147

Input buffer: 122–126, 128, 147 Installing

battery pack: 131–142

BJ cartridge: 14–18

printer driver: 22–25

TrueType fonts: 24–25 Intensity: 55

Interface: 147 See Parallel interface

Interface cable: 8, 13 compartment, battery case: 132 cover, battery case: 132, 138

International character set: 123, 128–129

Italic typeface: 61

Italics character set: 128–129, 146



font capabilities: 40

orientation: 40, 53 LCD display: 10, 30 Left margin: 122 Legal-size paper, printing: 39 Line feed

automatic: 122, 124, 126, 128

pitch: 145

speed: 144 Line printers: 27–28 Line spacing: 122

Loading, paper: 19–20, 32–35

Locating, printer: 9

Low ink warning function: 87, 89, 122, 124, 127–128

using: 73–74


Maintaining, printer: 75–90

Managing, printer features: 26–27 Manual

contents: iii–iv

conventions: iv

using: iii

Manual feed: 51

Margins: 122, 124–125, 128

Media type option: 50

Memory: 27–28, 57–58, 125–126 requirements: 22

MENU button: 11, 21, 43, 67, 70–72, 119–120

Menu mode: 65, 119 Microsoft

Publisher, printing envelopes: 150–151

Windows, printing envelopes: 149–155

Word for Windows, printing envelopes: 152–153

Mounting screw, battery case: 132–133

MS-DOS applications: 73, 123 printer drivers: 59–61 setting up: 59–61


NB-300: See Battery pack

NiMH battery pack: 148 See also Battery pack NK-300: See Portable Kit

Normal mode: 52

Nozzle pattern: 42

Number of characters per line: 146–147


OHP film: See Back print film

ON LINE button: 11

ON LINE light: 11

One-half Reduction mode: 69

Operating environment: 148

Operational problems: 97–99

Operator panel: 10–11 buttons: 26 display: 64–65 using: 63–73

Optimizing, charge capacity: 139

Orange cap and tape: 17

Orientation: 40 option: 53

Other selections: 53

Over head projection film: See Back print film



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Canon BJ-30 manual 170