Printer control mode: 71, 122, 145 | Replacing |
selecting: | BJ cartridge: |
Printer driver | ink tank: |
installing: | Resident printer control modes: 2, |
selecting: | 145 |
Printer settings: 11, 30, 56, 120 | Resolution: 147 |
default: | Ripple pattern: 42 |
Printers, line vs. page: | Roman font/typeface: 61, 72, 146 |
Printing | S |
characters: 146 | |
direction: 144 |
disabled: 65 | Sans Serif typeface: 61 |
document: | Script font/typeface: 61, 72, 146 |
envelopes: | Selecting |
envelopes, Windows: | control mode: 71 |
from Windows: 25 | font: |
landscape orientation: 40 | location: 9 |
paper types: 31 | |
method: 143 | print mode: |
options, selecting: | printer control mode: |
problems: | printer driver: |
speed, improving: | printer settings: 56 |
test patterns: 21, | printing options: |
with low battery: | Reduction mode: 70 |
Printing area | Serial number: 10, 93 |
envelopes: 145 | Service call errors: 94, |
paper: 144 | Servicing, printer: 6 |
Problems, printer: | Setting up |
Programmer’s Manual: 4 | |
Proof of purchase: 6, 8 | printer: |
Q | Setup program: 24, 48 |
Sheet feeder: 10, | |
| capacity: 32, 143 |
Quick cleaning, print head: 79 | Slashed zero: 122 |
Quick Start Guide: iii, 8 | typeface: 61 |
R | Smoothing mode: 2, 52, 122, |
| Software |
RAM: | applications: 26, 59, 63, 73 |
See also Memory | compatibility: 2 |
Rear illumination: 4 See also Back | notes: |
print film | printer compatibility: 62 |
Recoverable errors: 94, 96 | using printer: |
Reduction mode: 122 | Space requirements: 9 |
selecting: 70 | Special options: |
using: | Specifications: |
REFRESH | portable kit: 148 |
light, battery case: 132, 140 | Spilling ink, avoiding: 82 |
switch, battery case: 132, 139 | Starting |
Registration card: 8 | print head cleaning: 79 |
Removing | test patterns: |
battery pack: |
battery case: |
172 | Index |