show logging system
show logging system
To display the System Event Archive (SEA) logging system disk, use the show logging system command in privileged EXEC mode.
show logging system [disk size]
Syntax Description |
| disk | (Optional) Displays the location of the SEA logging system disk. |
| size | (Optional) Displays the current size of the SEA. |
| |
Defaults |
| This command has no default settings. | |
Command Modes |
| Privileged EXEC |
| The show logging system command displays the latest messages first. | |
Usage Guidelines |
| ||
| |
Examples |
| The following example shows how to display the latest system log messages: | |
| Router# show logging system |
1:01/24/07 15:38:40
2:01/24/07 15:38:40
3:01/24/07 15:38:40
4:01/24/07 15:38:40
5:01/24/07 15:38:40
6:01/24/07 15:38:40
7:01/24/07 15:38:39
The following example shows how to display the SEA logging system disk:
Router# show logging system disk
SEA log disk:
The following example shows how to display the current size of the SEA:
Router# show logging system size
SEA log size: 33554432 bytes
Table 95 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
| Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
| July 2008 |