show parser statistics
show parser statistics
To displays statistics about the last configuration file parsed and the status of the Parser Cache feature, use the show parser statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.
show parser statistics
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
Privileged EXEC
Release | Modification |
12.1(5)T | This command was introduced. |
12.2(33)SRA | This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. |
Usage Guidelines The show parser statistics command displays two sets of data:
•The number of commands in the configuration file that was last copied into the running configuration, and the time it took for the system to parse them (a configuration file can be loaded into the running configuration at system startup, or by issuing commands such as the copy source
•The status of the Parser Cache feature (enabled or disabled) and the number of command matches (indicated by hits/misses) since the system was started or since the parser cache was cleared.
The Parser Cache feature optimizes the parsing (translation and execution) of Cisco IOS software configuration command lines by remembering how to parse recently encountered command lines, decreasing the time required to process large configuration files.
Examples | The following example shows sample output from the show parser statistics command: |
| Router# show parser statistics |
| Last configuration file parsed:Number of Commands:1484, Time:1272 ms |
| Parser cache:disabled, 0 hits, 2 misses |
| In this example, the Parser Cache feature is disabled, but shows the hit/miss statistics for the two |
| commands issued while the parser cache was last enabled. |
| Table 118 describes the key output fields. |
| Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference |
| July 2008 |