show logging count

show logging count

To display a summary of the number of times certain system error messages are occuring, use the show logging command in privileged EXEC mode.

show logging count

Syntax Description This command has no arguements or keywords.

Command Modes

Command History

Privileged EXEC



This command was introduced.



Usage Guidelines To enable the error log count capability (syslog counting feature), use the logging count command in global configuration mode.

This feature works independently of the various settings of the other logging commands (such as [no] logging on, [no] logging buffered, and so on). In other words, turning off logging by other means does not stop the counting and timestamping from occuring.

This command displays information such as the number of times a particular system error message occurs and the time stamp of the last occurrence of the specified message. System error messages are grouped into logical units called “Facilities” based on Cisco IOS software components.

To determine if system error message counting is enabled, use the show logging command.

The service timestamps command configuration determines the timestamp format (shown in the “Last Time” column) of show logging count command output. There is not quite enough space for all options of the possible options (datetime, milliseconds, and timezone) of the service timestamps datetime command to be displayed at the same time. As a result, if msec is selected, timezone will not be displayed. If show-timezoneis selected but not msec, then the time zone will be displayed.

Occasionally, the length of the message name plus the facility name contains too many characters to be printed on one line. The CLI attempts to keep the name and facility name on one line but, if necessary, the line will be wrapped, so that the first line contains the facility name and the second line contains the message name and the rest of the columns.


The following example shows the number of times syslog messages have occurred and the most recent


time that each error message occurred. In this example, the show logging command is used to determine


if the syslog counting feature is enabled:



Router# show logging include count



Count and timestamp logging messages: enabled



Router# show logging count




Message Name

Sev Occur Last Time




Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference


July 2008

Page 22
Image 22
Cisco Systems 12000 series Show logging count, ReleaseModification, If the syslog counting feature is enabled, CF-698