show memory debug unused
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory debug unused
To display debug information on leaks that are accessible, but are no longer needed, use the show
memory debug unused command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show memory debug unused
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory debug unused command:
Router# show memory debug unused
Address Alloc_pc PID size Name
654894B8 62BF31DC -2 44 *Init*
6549A074 601F7A84 -2 4464 XDI data
6549B218 601F7274 -2 4500 XDI data
6549DFB0 6089DDA4 42 84 Init
65509160 6089DDA4 1 84 *Init*
6550A260 6089DDA4 2 84 *Init*
6551FDB4 6089DDA4 4 84 *Init*
6551FF34 627EFA2C -2 24 *Init*
65520B3C 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
65520B88 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65520C40 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
65520C8C 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65520D44 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
65520D90 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65520E48 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
65520E94 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65520F4C 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
65520F98 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65521050 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
6552109C 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
65521154 6078B1A4 -2 24 Parser Mode Q1
655211A0 6078B1C8 -2 24 Parser Mode Q2
Release Modification
12.0 This command was introduced.