Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco 3825 Mobile Wireless Edge Router in a RAN-O Solution with the Command-Line

Configuration Sequence

notification-option—(Optional) atm pvc [interval seconds] [fail-intervalseconds]—The optional interval seconds keyword/argument combination specifies the minimum period between successive traps, in the range from 1 to 3600. Generation of PVC traps is dampened by the notification interval in order to prevent trap storms. No traps are sent until the interval lapses. The default interval is 30.

The optional fail-interval seconds keyword/argument combination specifies the minimum period for storing the failed time stamp, in the range from 0 to 3600. The default fail-interval is 0.

envmon [voltage shutdown supply fan temperature]—When the envmon keyword is used, you can enable a specific environmental notification type, or accept all notification types from the environmental monitor system. If no option is specified, all environmental notifications are enabled. The option can be one or more of the following keywords: voltage, shutdown, supply, fan, and temperature.

isdn [call-information isdn u-interface]—When the isdn keyword is used, you can specify the call-informationkeyword to enable an SNMP ISDN call information notification for the ISDN MIB subsystem, or you can specify the isdnu-interfacekeyword to enable an SNMP ISDN U interface notification for the ISDN U interface MIB subsystem.

repeater [health reset]—When the repeater keyword is used, you can specify the repeater option. If no option is specified, all repeater notifications are enabled. The option can be one or more of the following keywords:

health—Enables IETF Repeater Hub MIB (RFC 1516) health notification.

reset—Enables IETF Repeater Hub MIB (RFC 1516) reset notification.

For example, the following command enables traps for SNMP link down, link up, coldstart and warmstart:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart

Step 4 To enable SNMP traps for all IP-RAN notifications, enter:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps ipran

Note Besides enabling SNMP traps for all IP-RAN notifications, you can also enable traps for IP-RAN GSM alarms, UMTS alarms, and general information about the backhaul utilization (see Appendix A, “Cisco 3825 Mobile Wireless Edge Router RAN-O Command Reference” for descriptions on how to use these SNMP commands.

Step 5 To enable SNMP traps for a specific environment, enter:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps envmon

Step 6 To specify the recipient of an SNMP notification operation, use the snmp-server host command. To remove the specified host, use the no form of this command.

Router(config)# snmp-server host host-addr[traps informs] [version {1 2c 3 [auth noauth priv]}] community-string[udp-port port] [notification-type]


host-addr—Name or Internet address of the host (the targeted recipient).

traps—(Optional) Send SNMP traps to this host. This is the default.

informs—(Optional) Send SNMP informs to this host.



Cisco 3825 Mobile Wireless Edge Router Software Configuration Guide
















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Image 93
Cisco Systems 3825 To enable Snmp traps for all IP-RAN notifications, enter, Routerconfig# snmp-server enable traps ipran