•Use the Chassis Viewer GUI from a system that can reach the chassis using the default IP address (
Using the RS232 Serial Port
Step 1 Connect
–8 data bits
–no parity bits
–1 stop bit
–57.6K baud
–Use VT100 emulation.
–Flow control = XON/XOFF
Step 2 Power up the switch.
Step 3 The system prompts for a user name. In order to change the IP address and default gateway, the user must be logged in as the administrator. At the prompt enter:
Step 4 The system prompts for a password. At the prompt enter:
The system responds with:
Welcome to the SFS 7012 CLI. Type 'list' for the list of commands.
Step 5 To change the SFS 7012 default IP address enter:
Step 6 To change the SFS 7012 default gateway IP address enter:
Step 7 To to exit the CLI enter:
Using Telnet or SSH
Step 1 Power up the switch.
Step 2 Connect a Category 5 or 6 (Cat 5/6) Ethernet cable to the
Step 3 Access the switch with the following command:
Step 4 The system prompts for a user name. In order to change the IP address and default gateway, the user must be logged in as the administrator. At the prompt enter:
Step 5 The system prompts for a password. At the prompt enter:
Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
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