–8 portLinkDowned: link error recovery process failed
–9 portRecvErr: errors received
–10 portRecvRemPhysErr: remote physical errors received
–12 portXmitDiscard: port transmit discards
–13 portPKeyViolIn: PKey inbound was invalid
–14 portPKeyViolOut: PKey outbound was invalid
–15 portRawViolIn: raw inbound packet discarded
–16 portRawViolOut: raw outbound packet discarded
–17 portLocalLinkInteg: link integrity errors
–18 portExcBufferOverrun: excessive buffer overrun errors
–19 portRelayedVL15Dropped: remote VL15 packet was dropped
–20 portLocalVL15Dropped: local VL15 packet was dropped
–21 portNonSMPDropped: non SMP packet was dropped
Modifies the port statistic thresholds.
ismSetPStatThresh field threshold
The name of the port status threshold field.
The numeric threshold value.
Sample Output:
successfully set port stat threshold portXmitData
Note The available thresholds are:
Cisco SFS 7012 InfiniBand Server Switch Hardware Users Guide
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