
Adjustment with continuous signals (Parameter setting example 1)

Set parameters as follows to adjust the output frequency up or down in proportion to the frequency adjustment signal input time:

Panel frequency incremental gradient = ￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿ setting time

Panel frequency decremental gradient = ￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿ setting time

Set parameters as follows to adjust the output frequency up or down almost in synchronization with the adjustment by

the panel frequency command:



￿￿￿￿ = ￿￿￿￿ = ￿



("￿￿ (or ￿￿￿￿) /￿￿)


(￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿ setting time)


(￿ ￿ (or ￿￿￿￿) /￿￿)


(￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿ setting time)


«Sample sequence diagram 1: Adjustment with continuous signals»

RUN command








































Incrementing (UP)




































































Decrementing (DOWN) signal




































Set frequency clearing signal


































































Upper limit frequency

















Gradient ￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿￿

























Command frequency [Hz]

Gradient ￿￿￿￿/￿￿￿￿￿




























Lower limit frequency









































































































































Frequency 0 Hz
















The dotted line represents the actual output frequency.

Adjustment with pulse signals (Parameter-setting example 2)

Set parameters as follows to adjust the frequency in steps of one pulse:

￿￿￿￿, ￿￿￿￿ Pulse ON time

￿￿￿￿, ￿￿￿￿ = ￿ Frequency obtained with each pulse

*The inverter does not respond to any pulses with an ON time shorter than set with ￿￿￿￿ or ￿￿￿￿. 12ms or more of clearing signal is allowed.

«Sample sequence diagram 2: Adjustment with pulse signals»

Operation command (such as F)

Incrementing (UP) signal

Decrementing (DOWN) signal

Clear signal

Upper limit frequency

Command frequency [Hz]!


(The dotted line represents


the actual output









Page 137
Image 137
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual «Sample sequence diagram 2 Adjustment with pulse signals»