
6.30Acceleration/deceleration 2

6.30.1Setting acceleration/deceleration patterns and switching

acceleration/deceleration patterns 1, 2, 3 and 4"


: Acceleration time 2


: Deceleration S-pattern upper limit adjustment





: Deceleration time 2


: Acceleration time 3





: Acceleration/deceleration 1 pattern


: Deceleration time 3





: Acceleration/deceleration 2 pattern


: Acceleration/deceleration 3 pattern





: Panel acceleration/deceleration selection


: Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 2





: Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 1


: Acceleration time 4





: Acceleration S-pattern lower limit adjustment


: Deceleration time 4





: Acceleration S-pattern upper limit adjustment


: Acceleration/deceleration 4 pattern





: Deceleration S-pattern lower limit adjustment


: Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 3

• Function

Four acceleration times and four deceleration times can be specified individually. The selection/switching mode can be selected from the following 3 options:

1) Selection by means of parameters

2) Switching by means of frequencies

3) Switching by means of terminals

[Parameter setting]




Adjustment range

Default setting




Acceleration time 2

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model



Deceleration time 2

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model￿




￿:Acceleration/deceleration 1




Panel acceleration/deceleration

￿: Acceleration/deceleration 2




￿: Acceleration/deceleration 3







￿: Acceleration/deceleration 4




Acceleration time 3

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model￿



Deceleration time 3

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model￿



Acceleration time 4

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model￿



Deceleration time 4

￿￿[Note]~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model￿

Note:The minimum setting of acceleration and deceleration times have been set respectively at 0.1 sec. by default, but they can be changed within a range of 0.01 sec. (setting range:0.01~600.0 sec.) by changing the setting of the parameter ￿￿￿ (default setting).

￿For details, refer to Section 5.20.

1)Selection using parameters

Output frequency [Hz]




￿￿ ￿









￿￿￿ ￿

￿￿￿ ￿

Time [s]




￿￿￿￿ ￿


Time [s]




￿￿￿￿ ￿


Time [s]




￿￿￿￿ ￿


Time [s]



Acceleration/deceleration time 1 is initially set as the default. Acceleration/deceleration time 2, 3 and 4can be selected by changing the setting of the ￿￿￿￿.

Enabled if ￿￿￿￿=￿ (operation panel input enabled).


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Image 168
Toshiba VF-AS1 Acceleration/deceleration, Deceleration time Acceleration time, Panel acceleration/deceleration selection