
Default setting (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting parameter ￿￿￿ to ￿ resets all parameters except the following to their default settings.

★When this parameter is set to 3, ￿!￿￿ is displayed for a while, then switches back to the original display

( ￿￿￿ or ￿￿ ). Note that this setting also clears all trip history records. Trip history data will be cleared at this time.

Following parameters are designed considering maintenance that they cannot be reset to the factory default setting even if you set the parameter ￿￿￿ at ￿. Following parameters are not displayed on the user parameter group "￿￿ even if their settings are different from their default settings. So please be careful.









History function



Optional AI2 input bias



￿#￿ ￿

FM terminal meter selection



Optional AI2 input gain




FM terminal meter adjustment



Logic output/pulse train output selection (OUT1)



￿#￿ ￿

AM terminal meter selection



MON1 terminal meter selection




AM terminal meter adjustment



MON1 terminal meter adjustment




Analog VI/II voltage/current switching



MON2 terminal meter selection




Analog AI2 (optional circuit board)



MON2 terminal meter adjustment




voltage/current switching







VI/II input bias



FM voltage/current output switching




VI/II input gain



MON1 voltage/current output switching




RR/S4 input bias



MON2 voltage/current output switching




RR/S4 input gain



Quick registration parameter 1~32




RX input bias









RX input gain



Free notes



Optional AI1 input bias



Network option reset setting





Optional AI1 input gain






Trip clear (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting ￿￿￿ to ￿ initializes the past four sets of recorded trip history data. * (The parameter does not change.)

Cumulative operation time clear (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting ￿￿￿ to ￿ resets the cumulative operation time monitor to the initial value (0 [zero] time).

Initialization of type information (￿￿￿=￿)

When a trip occurs because of a type error (￿￿￿￿ is displayed), you can clear the trip by setting ￿￿￿ to ￿. This function is used to reformat a control circuit board to adapt it to an inverter, for example, when a circuit board is removed from an inverter to use another inverter for maintenance or for other reasons. This setting clears all type data stored in the inverter.

Save user-defined parameters (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting ￿￿￿ to ￿ causes all the current parameter settings to be stored individually.

Reset of user-defined parameters (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting ￿￿￿ to ￿ returns all parameters to the settings saved by setting the parameter ￿￿￿=￿. * The above settings ￿ and ￿ allows you to have your own default parameter settings.

Cumulative fan operation time clear (￿￿￿=￿)

Setting ￿￿￿ to ￿ resets the cumulative fan operation time to the initial value (0 [zero] time). Set this parameter when replacing the cooling fan, and so on.

Acceleration/deceleration time setting: 0.01 to 600.0 sec. (￿￿￿=￿￿)

When ￿￿￿ is set to ￿￿, the acceleration/deceleration time can be set within a range of 0.01 to 600.0 sec.

Acceleration/deceleration time setting: 0.1 to 6000 sec. (￿￿￿=￿￿)

When ￿￿￿ is set to ￿￿, the acceleration/deceleration time can be set within a range of 0.1 to 6000 sec.


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Image 113
Toshiba VF-AS1 Default setting =, Trip clear =, Cumulative operation time clear =, Initialization of type information =