
6.35Adjustment parameters

6.35.1Pulse train output for meters




:Logic output/pulse output selection (OUT1)

:Pulse output function selection

:Selection of number of pulses


Pulse trains can be sent out through the OUT1-CC output terminals.

To do so, it is necessary to select a pulse output mode and specify the number of pulses.

This function output the pulse is based on ￿￿￿￿ setting when each selection is suitable for the fixed output 1 level (refer to selection 5.16).

Set the SW4 to pulse output (PULS).

Ex.) When operations frequencies (0 to 60Hz) are put out by means of 0 to 10kHz ￿￿=￿￿￿￿, ￿￿￿￿=￿, ￿￿￿￿=￿, ￿￿￿￿=￿￿￿￿￿￿

The pulse will change between 0 and 10kHz according to the operations frequencies between 0 and 60Hz.

￿See the circuit diagram shown at the bottom of page B-15.



Adjustment range

Default setting


Logic output/pulse output selection

￿:Logic output



￿:Pulse output





￿:Output frequency




￿:Frequency command value




￿:Output current




￿:Input voltage (DC detection)




￿:Output voltage




￿:Compensated frequency




￿:Speed feedback￿(realtime value)




￿:Speed feedback (1-second filter)








￿:Torque command




￿￿:Torque current




￿￿:Exiting current




￿￿:PID feedback value




￿￿:Motor overload factor (OL2 data)




￿￿:Inverter overload factor (OL1 data)




￿￿:Regenerative braking resistance




overload factor (OLr data)




￿￿:Regenerative braking resistor load



Pulse output function selection

factor (% ED)


￿￿:Input power






￿￿:Output power




￿￿:Optional AI2 input




￿￿:RR/S4 input




￿￿:VI/II input




￿￿:RX input




￿￿:Optional AI1 input




￿￿:FM output




￿￿:AM output




￿￿:Fixed output 1




￿￿:Communication data output




￿￿:Fixed output 2




￿￿:Fixed output 3




￿￿:Cumulative input power




￿￿:Cumulative output power




￿￿:My function monitor 1




￿￿:My function monitor 2




￿￿:My function monitor 3




￿￿:My function monitor 4



Selection of number of pulses

￿.￿￿~￿￿.￿￿ kHz


Note: The pulse length is fixed. Therefore, the duty is variable.



Page 187
Image 187
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Adjustment parameters