
Setting of motor electronic thermal protection level 1 ￿￿￿

If the capacity of the motor is smaller than the capacity of the inverter, or the rated current of the motor is smaller than the rated current of the inverter, adjust the electronic thermal protection level 1 ￿￿￿ so that it fits the motor's rated current.

Output current reduction factor [%]/[A]






Output frequency [Hz]



Note:The motor overload starting level is fixed at 30Hz. If necessary, set ￿￿￿ to ￿, ￿,

￿or ￿. (See the following section.) Even if the inverter is used with a Toshiba standard motor, the load may need to be reduced at frequencies of 30Hz and below in some cases. In such cases, set ￿￿￿ to ￿, ￿, ￿ or ￿ and set the ￿￿

reduction starting frequency (￿￿￿￿) according to the motor.

[Example of setting: When the VFAS1-2007PL is running with a 0.4kW motor having 2A rated current]

Key operated

LED display




Displays the operation frequency. (Perform during operation stopped.)


(When standard monitor display selection ￿￿￿￿=￿ [Output frequency])








The first basic parameter “History function (￿￿￿)” is displayed.

￿￿￿￿ Press either the key or the key to change the parameter to ￿￿￿.



Press the ENTER key to display the parameter setting (Default setting:









Press the key to change the parameter to



￿￿ (= motor rated current/inverter output rated current x 100



= 2.0/5.0 × 100)



Press the ENTER key to save the changed parameter. ￿￿￿ and the



parameter are displayed alternately.

[Using a VF motor (motor for use with inverter)]

Setting of electronic thermal protection characteristics selection ￿￿￿

Default setting

Overload protection

Overload stall


￿ (protect)

× (No stall)


￿ (protect)

￿ (stall)


× (No Protection)

× (No stall)


× (No Protection)

￿ (stall)

A VF motor (a motor for use with an inverter) can be used in lower frequency ranges than the standard motor, but if that frequency is extremely low, the effects of cooling on the motor will deteriorate.

In such a case, set the OL reduction start frequency parameter ￿￿￿￿ according to the characteristics of the motor. (Refer to the figure below.)

As a guide, it is advisable to set this parameter around the default value (VF motor 6Hz).

[Parameter setting]



Adjustment range

Default setting


OL reduction starting frequency

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ Hz


Note:￿￿￿￿ is enabled when ￿￿￿=￿~￿.





Page 93
Image 93
Toshiba VF-AS1 Using a VF motor motor for use with inverter, First basic parameter History function is displayed