









Adjustment range

Default setting










Commercial power/inverter

￿:Automatic switching in the event of a trip





￿:Commercial power switching frequency setting





switching output selection

￿:Commercial power switching frequency setting +











automatic switching in the event of a trip [Note1]





Commercial power/inverter






switching frequency








According to




Inverter-side switching

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.





waiting time


￿ Refer to






page K-48.




Commercial power-side

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.





switching waiting time






Commercial power switching

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.





frequency holding time




Note1: For trips whose causes are displayed with ￿￿￿, ￿￿￿, ￿￿￿ or ￿, switching is not done automatically.

Note2: Braking function ￿￿￿￿ doesn't operate.

Note3: Inverter with a model number ending with

-WN, HN: ￿￿￿ -WP: ￿￿￿￿


[Timing chart (example)]



Commercial power switching frequency


holding time


Detection time

Commercial power/inverter switching frequency







Set frequency




MC output for inverter operation Commercial power/inverter switching output 1


MC output for commercial power operation Commercial power/inverter switching output 2


Inverter-side switching waiting time ￿￿￿￿



Commercial power-side switching waiting time ￿￿￿￿


Commercial power switching signal (S3-CC)


Operation standby signal (ST-CC)ON

Commercial power switching signal S3-CC ON : Commercial power operation

Commercial power switching signal S3-CC OFF : Inverter operation

Note:If ST-CC is opened, switching cannot be operated normally.



Adjustment range

Example of setting


Commercial power/inverter switching output selection


￿ or ￿


Commercial power/inverter switching frequency


Power supply frequency etc.


Inverter-side switching waiting time

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.

According to model

￿ Refer to page K-48.





Commercial power-side switching waiting time

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.



Commercial power switching frequency holding time

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.



Input terminal function selection 7 (S3)



(Commercial power switching)









Output terminal function selection 1 (OUT1)

￿~ ￿￿￿

(Commercial power/inverter




switching output 1)






Output terminal function selection 2 (OUT2)

￿~ ￿￿￿

(Commercial power/inverter




switching output 2)


Page 149
Image 149
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Timing chart example