

Example of operation panel control



Key operated


LED display












The running frequency is displayed. (When standard monitor display






selection ￿￿￿￿=￿ [Output frequency])























Set the operation frequency.


















Press the ENTER key to save the operation frequency. ￿￿￿and the





frequency are displayed alternately.




















￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿


Pressing the RUN key causes the motor to accelerate to the set





frequency in the specified acceleration time.
























Pressing the

key or the

key will change the operation frequency






even during operation.
























￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿


Pressing the STOP key reduces the frequency and causes the motor to





decelerate to a stop.






























Selecting a stop mode with the operation panel











In addition to deceleration stop by pressing STOP key (in the specified deceleration time), the operating panel has



the following two stop modes.

















Stop mode





Operation, setting, etc.



Coast stop

In this mode, power


This stop mode is enabled only in modes where the operation




supply from the


panel can be used for operation.




inverter to the motor


To enable the coast stop mode, set the parameter ￿￿￿￿=￿.




is shut off


￿ For more details, refer to Section 6.36.6.






*Default setting:￿￿￿￿=￿ (Deceleration stop)




which causes the









motor to coast stop.








Emergency stop

A stop mode can be


In modes other than the operation panel operation mode, you can



(from the

selected from among:


stop the motor (emergency stop) by entering a command from the



operation panel in

• Coast stop


operation panel. (To quickly stop the motor in the operation panel



modes other than

• Deceleration stop


operation mode, set the parameter ￿￿￿￿ to this mode.)



the panel

• Emergency DC


Pressing the STOP key on the panel twice enables emergency



operation mode)








Deceleration stop (1) Press the STOP key.

Note: Default

“￿￿￿￿” starts blinking.


(2) Press the STOP key again.

(Coast stop)

￿￿￿￿(Emergency stop)=￿ to ￿, the motor makes an emergency


stop (or trips) according to the setting. “￿” will be displayed and a


failure detection signal generated (FL activated). Select the output


terminal function ￿￿￿ (￿￿￿) to deactivate FL.


To clear “￿￿￿￿,” press any key other than the STOP key while


“￿￿￿￿” is being displayed.


￿ For more details, refer to Section 6.33.3.


*Default setting:￿￿￿￿=￿ (Coast stop)


- Warning -


The emergency stop function is designed to forcefully stop


the motor by pressing the Stop key on the operation panel in


modes other than the operation panel control mode.


The emergency stop function cannot be disabled by any


setting. Every emergency stop is memorized as a trip in the


trip history record.


Page 66
Image 66
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Example of operation panel control, Selecting a stop mode with the operation panel