

8.3Changing status monitor function

Changing the display format while power is on

The item displayed in the standard monitor mode (*1 on the left side of table on page H-2), for example, operation frequency which is displayed by default in this way: “=￿#￿” when power is on or “￿￿￿” when power is off, can be changed to any item shown on page H-7. This new format, however, will not display an assigned prefix such as ￿ or ￿.

"Standard monitor mode! ￿ Standard monitor display selection (￿￿￿￿)



Adjustment range

Default setting


Standard monitor hold

￿:Real time


￿￿￿ ￿

￿:Peak hold




￿:Minimum hold






Standard monitor



display selection

￿ Refer to page H-7.



Specify how to output the monitored values that are assigned to status monitors 1 through 8. !

If ￿￿￿ is set to ￿, the monitored values selected with ￿￿￿￿ (standard monitor display selection parameter) are displayed one after another. !

For peak hold values and minimum hold values, the minimum values in each operation mode are displayed. When the motor is at a standstill, the values monitored last are held as they were until the motor is started the next time. ! The maximum and minimum values monitored after power is turned on or after the reset with the EASY key are always displayed no matter whether the motor is in operation or at a standstill.

Changing contents of status monitor indication

Regarding contents of status monitor indications appearing in the left column of the table on page H-2, those marked with *2 to *9 can be changed for others. Select a desirable monitor function from among optional monitor functions appearing on page H-7.



Frequency command

￿ Changeable by status monitor 1 display selection (￿￿￿￿).



Output current

￿ Changeable by status monitor 2 display selection (￿￿￿￿).



Input voltage

￿ Changeable by status monitor 3 display selection (￿￿￿￿).



Output voltage

￿ Changeable by status monitor 4 display selection (￿￿￿￿).


*6 Torque

￿ Changeable by status monitor 5 display selection (￿￿￿￿).




Regenerative braking resistance overload factor ￿ Changeable by status monitor 6 display selection (￿￿￿￿).



Inverter overload factor

￿ Changeable by status monitor 7 display selection (￿￿￿￿).

*9 Motor overload factor

￿ Changeable by status monitor 8 display selection (￿￿￿￿).







Adjustment range

Default setting


Status monitor 1 display selection

￿~￿￿ ￿ Refer to page H-7.



Status monitor 2 display selection




Status monitor 3 display selection




Status monitor 4 display selection




Status monitor 5 display selection




Status monitor 6 display selection




Status monitor 7 display selection




Status monitor 8 display selection



*If ￿￿￿￿ to ￿￿￿￿ are set at “￿” (Output frequency) the operation frequency is not held in trip status.


Page 224
Image 224
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Changing status monitor function