
<Example of operation>

Output terminal function: 26 (UC) Low current detection

￿￿￿￿=￿ (No trip)

Ex.) When outputting low current detection signals through output terminal OUT1



Adjustment range

Example of setting


Output terminal function selection 1(OUT1)



Note:To put out signals to the terminal OUT2, select the parameter ￿￿￿￿.


Low current signal output



Output current [%]

less than





￿￿￿￿ + ￿￿￿￿








Time [sec]!

"When ￿￿￿￿=￿ (tripping), the inverter will trip if low current lasts for the period of time set with ￿￿￿￿.

After tripping, the low current signal remains ON.

6.33.9 Detection of output short circuit!


￿￿￿￿: Selection of short circuit detection at starting

• Function

Detects a short-circuit on the output side of the inverter.




Adjustment range

Default setting




￿:Each time (standard pulse)





￿:Only one time after power is turned on




Selection of short circuit

￿:Each time (short pulse)




￿:Only one time after power is turn on (short pulse)




detection at starting

￿:Each time (Extremely shot-time pulse)









￿:Only one time after power is turn on (Extremely





shot-time pulse)


￿￿￿￿················· ￿, ￿, ￿: Standard —— detecting at starting

￿, ￿, ￿: A check is made once at the first start of operation after the power is turned on or the inverter is reset.

Note: If the input voltage is rather high (480V as a guide) or the inverter is used to operate a high-speed motor, set

￿￿￿￿to ￿ or ￿. Any other setting may cause the motor to malfunction, because a high-speed motor has a very low impedance. If the inverter malfunctions for reasons of impedance even though ￿￿￿￿ is set to ￿ or ￿, then set ￿￿￿￿ to ￿ or ￿.

6.33.10 Overtorque trip!






:Overtorque trip selection

:Overtorque detection level during power running

:Overtorque detection level during regenerative braking

:Overtorque detection time

:Overtorque detection hysteresis


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