«SW1 set to sink logic»
(4) During normal forward/reverse run (￿￿￿￿=￿)


[Priority to DC braking during forward/reverse operation] (Forward/reverse run DC braking priority control


!! Output frequency [Hz]






: DC braking




Set frequency



Reference frequency




~ ~








Time [s]





Forward run signal (F-CC) (SW1 set to sink logic)

Reverse run signal (R-CC) (SW1 set to sink logic)

~ ~



~ ~


















































~ ~










: Not recognized as a stop command, so that the DC

6braking is not active.

(5) If a reverse run (or forward) command is entered during forward run (or reverse) (￿￿￿￿=￿) :

DC braking when the frequency set with ￿￿￿￿

decreases below the reference frequency during deceleration.

(6)If an operation command is entered during DC braking : RUN command has a priority.

(7)If an operation command is changed from ON to OFF during DC braking, DC braking is discontinued to stop the operation.

6.8.2Motor shaft fixing control!


: Motor shaft fixing control

• Function

This function is used to prevent the motor from running unexpectedly after the motor is stopped because it’s shaft is not restrained or to preheat the motor.

[Parameter setting]



Adjustment range!

Default setting!


Motor shaft fixing control!

￿:Disabled, ￿:Enabled!


If the motor shaft fixing control parameter ￿￿￿￿ is set at ￿, DC braking continue at half a braking rate of that set with ￿￿￿￿ to retain the motor after it has come to a full stop by DC braking. To terminate the motor shaft fixing control cut off the standby signal (ST signal).

Note: This function doesn't operate after a DC braking command is entered by control input terminal signal.


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Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual ~ ~, Motor shaft fixing control