
2) Switching by frequencies - Automatically switching acc/dec times at certain frequencies






Adjustment range

Default setting




Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 1

￿￿~￿￿ Hz





Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 2

￿￿~￿￿ Hz





Acceleration/deceleration switching frequency 3

￿￿~￿￿ Hz



Note:Regardless of the sequence of input of frequencies, acc/dec times are switched from 1 to 2 at the lowest frequency, from 2 to 3 at the middle frequency and from 3 to 4 at the highest frequency. (For example, if the frequency set with ￿￿￿￿ is higher than that set with ￿￿￿￿, the acc/dec time 1 is selected in the frequency range below the ￿￿￿￿-set frequency, while the acc/dec time 2 is selected in the frequency range of the ￿￿￿￿-set frequency to the ￿￿￿￿-set frequency.)

Output frequency [Hz]









Set frequency









￿￿￿￿ ￿









￿￿￿￿ ￿









￿￿￿￿ ￿
















Time [s]











(1) Acceleration at the gradient corresponding to

(5) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding to

acceleration time ￿￿￿


deceleration time ￿￿￿￿



(2) Acceleration at the gradient corresponding to

(6) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding to


acceleration time ￿￿￿￿!


deceleration time ￿￿￿￿!



(3) Acceleration at the gradient corresponding to

(7) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding to


acceleration time ￿￿￿￿


deceleration time ￿￿￿￿



(4) Acceleration at the gradient corresponding to

(8) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding to


acceleration time ￿￿￿￿


deceleration time ￿￿￿



3) Switching using external terminals - Switching the acceleration/deceleration time via external terminals


Output frequency [Hz]









0 Time [s]









Acceleration/deceleration switching signal 1

Acceleration/deceleration switching signal 2

(1) Acceleration at the gradient

(5) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding

corresponding to acceleration time ￿￿￿

to deceleration time ￿￿￿￿

(2) Acceleration at the gradient

(6) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding

corresponding to acceleration time

to deceleration time ￿￿￿￿!


(7) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding

(3) Acceleration at the gradient

to deceleration time ￿￿￿￿

corresponding to acceleration time

(8) Deceleration at the gradient corresponding


to deceleration time ￿￿￿


Page 169
Image 169
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Acceleration/deceleration switching signal