
5.7Manual torque boost–increasing torque boost at low speeds


: Manual torque boost 1


If torque is inadequate at low speeds, increase torque by raising the torque boost rate with this parameter.

Base frequency voltage 1 ￿￿￿

Output voltage

[V]/[%] ￿￿


[Parameter setting]

Output frequency [Hz]

Base frequency ￿￿



Adjustment range

Default setting


Manual torque boost 1

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ %

According to model ￿ Refer to page K-48.

"This parameter is valid when ￿￿=￿ (Constant torque characteristics), ￿ (square reduction torque), ￿ (V/f 5-point setting). Note: The optimum value is programmed for each inverter capacity. Boosting torque excessively may cause the inverter

5 to trip because of an overcurrent. If operation is repeated with torque boosted excessively, electronic devices in the main circuit may be damaged, so if high starting torque is needed, it is recommendable to use vector control.

￿Refer to 5.6 selection 3) and 4).

If necessary, set the amount of torque to be boosted, as a guide, within +2% of the factory default setting.

5.8Base frequency

￿￿: Base frequency 1


: Base frequency voltage 1


Sets the base frequency and the base frequency voltage in conformance with load specifications or the motor's rated frequency.

Note:This is an important parameter that determines the constant torque control area.

Base frequency voltage 1 ￿￿￿

Output voltage



[Parameter setting]

Output frequency [Hz]

Base frequency ￿￿



Adjustment range

Default setting



￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿￿ Hz

Inverter with a model number ending with -WN, HN: ￿￿￿￿

frequency 1

-WP: ￿￿￿￿






200V models: ￿￿￿￿


200V class: ￿￿~￿￿￿ V

400V models:



400V class: ￿￿~￿￿￿ V

Inverter with a model number ending with -WN, HN:￿￿￿￿


voltage 1



-WP: ￿￿￿




Note: The output frequency is limited to a frequency 10.5 times as high as the base frequency (￿￿). Even if the maximum frequency (￿￿) or the upper limit frequency (￿￿) is set above this frequency, this limitation is imposed on the output frequency.


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Image 86
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Manual torque boost-increasing torque boost at low speeds, Base frequency