















Possible causes



















•Inverter is stopped by panel

•Reset the inverter.






operation during automatic or







Emergency stop

remote operation.








•A stop command (input terminal








function: ￿￿ or ￿￿) is issued by








an external control device.








•A data writing error occurs.

•Turn off the inverter, then turn it again. If it does





EEPROM error


not recover from the error, Contact your Toshiba













•Some internal data is corrupted.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.





Initial read error

•Power was turned off while ￿￿￿

•Set ￿￿￿ again. If the inverter does not recover






was being set.

from the error, Contact your Toshiba distributor.





Initial read error

•Some internal data is corrupted.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.





Ground fault

•A current leaked from an output

•Check the cable and the motor for ground faults.





cable or the motor to ground.








•A phase failure occurred in the

•Check the main circuit output line, motor, etc. for





Output phase

output line of the main circuit.

phase failure.







•Select output phase failure detection parameter ￿￿￿￿.






•The motor is not connected.

•Make sure that a motor is connected.





Input phase

•A phase failure occurred in the

•Check the main circuit input line for phase failure.






input line of the main circuit.







Main unit RAM

•The control RAM is defective.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.













Main unit ROM

•The control ROM is defective.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.













CPU fault

•The control CPU is defective.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.





Interruption of

•A normal communication was not

•Check the remote control device, cables, etc.






possible for the time or longer set







command from

by ￿￿￿￿.







external control
















Gate array fault

•Main gate array is defective.

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.





Output current

•The main output current detector

•Contact your Toshiba distributor.





detector error

is defective.







Optional unit

•An optional device has failed.

•Check the connection of optional board(s).





(such as a communication device

•Refer to instructions of options concerned






[add-on option])

specified in Section 6.42.











Extended panel

•10 seconds disconnection is

•Confirm the connection between extended panel





option. cable is

detected by the setting ￿￿￿￿=0

option (RKP002Z,RKP004Z) and inverter.






(disconnection detection)








•It was unable to auto tuning

•Perform auto-tuning 1 again and if the error





Tuning error


persists, contact your Toshiba distributor.




•The internal system error occurred















during auto tuning.








• Some of ￿￿￿￿,￿￿￿￿,

•Make sure that a motor is connected.






￿￿￿￿ and ￿￿￿￿ were not to

•Make sure that the motor is at standstill.






be detected during auto tuning.

•Perform auto-tuning 1 again and if the error






•The capacity of the motor

persists, perform tuning manually.






connected is 2 notches or more








smaller than the inverter capacity.








•The motor connected is not a







three-phase inductive motor.







detection error

•Tuning is performed while no















motor is connected.








•The cables connecting the inverter








to the motor are too long; they are








more than 30m in length.








•Tuning is performed while the








motor is running.








• Some detection values of

•Make sure that the motor is at standstill.






￿￿￿￿,￿￿￿￿,￿￿￿￿ and

•Perform auto-tuning 1 again and if the error






￿￿￿￿ were beyond the limits of

persists, perform tuning manually.





normal value.








•The capacity of the motor















connected is 2 notches or more







Motor constant

smaller than the inverter capacity.







value error

•The motor connected is not a








three-phase inductive motor.








•The cables connecting the inverter








to the motor are too long; they are








more than 30m in length.








•Tuning is performed while the








motor is running.





*Presence or absence of parameter trip can be selected. (Continued overleaf)


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Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual E6581301