Torque bias function

Using this function, the load can be started smoothly, by the motor produces enough torque for load portion before the brake is released,


Reverse run

Forward run








Tension torque bias




















as additional torque














[Selection of external signals]


Additional torque









￿￿￿￿ (fixed direction)



















RR/S4-CCA – 0~10V￿





Voltage signals





RX-CCA – 0~±10V￿
















VI/II-CCA – 0~10V￿





Current signals




VI/II-CCA – 4(0)~20mA










6.18Acceleration/deceleration suspend function

￿￿￿￿: Acceleration/deceleration suspend function

￿￿￿￿: Acceleration suspend frequency

￿￿￿￿: Deceleration suspend frequency

￿￿￿￿: Deceleration suspend time


: Acceleration suspend time

• Function


Using these parameters, acceleration or deceleration can be suspended to let the motor run at a constant speed. There are two ways to suspend acceleration or deceleration: suspending it automatically by setting the suspend frequency and time using parameters, and suspending it by means of a signal from an external control device.

These parameters are useful in starting and stopping transfer equipment, textile machines (winders), and so on.

[Parameter setting]



Adjustment range

Setting value






Acceleration/deceleration suspend function

￿:Parameter setting￿




￿:Terminal input



Acceleration suspend frequency

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿



Acceleration suspend time

￿￿~￿￿￿ sec.￿



Deceleration suspend frequency

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿



Deceleration suspend time

￿￿~￿￿￿ sec.￿


Note1: The acceleration suspend frequency (￿￿￿￿) should not be set below the starting frequency (￿￿￿￿).

Note2: The deceleration suspend frequency (￿￿￿￿) should not be set below the stop frequency (￿￿￿￿).

Note3: If the output frequency is lowered by a stall prevention function, the acceleration suspend function may be activated.

1)To suspend acceleration or deceleration automatically

Set the desired frequency with ￿￿￿￿ or ￿￿￿￿ and the desired time with ￿￿￿￿ or ￿￿￿￿, and then set

￿￿￿￿to ￿.

When the frequency set is reached, the motor stops accelerating or decelerating to rotate at a constant speed.


Output frequency [Hz]



Time [s]




Page 147
Image 147
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Acceleration/deceleration suspend function, Reverse run Forward run