


Drooping gain

Internal torque command!

￿￿￿￿ !

Drooping gain


– ￿￿￿￿ – ￿￿￿￿




￿￿￿￿ ! ￿￿￿￿ !

￿￿￿￿ !

Drooping insensitive torque !

Drooping insensitive frequency!

[Parameter setting]








Adjustment range

Default setting




Drooping gain [Note]

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿￿ %




Speed at drooping gain 0%

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿￿ Hz




Speed at drooping gain ￿￿￿￿

￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿￿ Hz





Drooping insensitive torque

￿~￿￿￿ %





Drooping output filter

￿￿~￿￿￿￿￿ rad/s


Note: Drooping gain can be changed within a range of 0.1 to 100.0% during operation. When changing the setting to 0.0 (no drooping) or 0.0, stop operation.

• Drooping control can be performed only when ￿￿ is set to ￿, ￿, ￿ or ￿.

• When torque over the insensitive torque is applied, the frequency is decreased (during power running) or increased (during regenerative braking).

• The drooping function is operative at frequencies over the frequency set with ￿￿￿￿.

• In the frequency range between the frequencies set with ￿￿￿￿ and ￿￿￿￿, the degree of drooping changes according to the magnitude of frequency.

• The error in drooping insensitive torque increases in the frequency range above the base frequency, and it is


therefore recommended that these functions be used at frequencies below the base frequency.

• During drooping control, the output frequency is not restricted by the maximum frequency (￿￿).



The change in frequency at the time of drooping can be calculated, as described below:


a)Gain by internal torque reference (Gain1) If internal torque reference (%) # 0

Gain1 = (internal torque reference - dead band


) / 100










Gain1 needs to be set at 0 or a positive number.













If internal torque reference (%) < 0


























































Gain1 = (internal torque reference + dead band



) / 100










Gain1 needs to be set at 0 or a negative number.













b) Gain by frequency after acceleration (Gain2)























































































































Frequency after acceleration



Frequency 1 set with













Gain2 = 0

























































Frequency after acceleration > Frequency 2 set with









































Gain2 = Drooping gain




/ 100










































If frequency 1



< Frequency after acceleration



Frequency 2

























Drooping gain





( Frequency after acceleration – Frequency 1




Gain2 =
















































































(Frequency 2


– Frequency 1











































































































Frequency after acceleration



Frequency 1 set with












Gain2 = 0






















































If Frequency after acceleration > Frequency 1











































Gain2 = Drooping gain




/ 100



















c) Drooping speed






































Note × Gain1 × Gain2










Drooping speed = base frequency












Note:If the base frequency exceeds 100 Hz, count it as 100 Hz.











Page 144
Image 144
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Gain1