
6.10Jog run mode

￿￿￿￿￿￿: Jog run frequency

￿￿￿￿￿￿: Jog run stop pattern

￿￿￿￿￿￿: Operation panel jog run mode

• Function

Use the jog run parameters to operate the motor in jog mode. Input of a jog run signal generates a jog run frequency output at once, irrespective of the designated acceleration time.

Also, you can choose an operation panel start/stop mode between the ordinary start/stop mode and the jog run start/stop mode.

The jog run function needs to be assigned to an input terminal. When assigning it to the S3 terminal, set ￿￿￿￿ to ￿￿.

The motor can be operated in jog run mode while the jog run setting terminals are connected (S3-CC: ON).

[Parameter setting]




Adjustment range

Default setting



Jog run frequency

￿￿￿￿~￿￿￿￿ Hz




Jog run stop pattern

￿:Deceleration stop, ￿: Coast stop,



￿:DC braking stop







Operation panel jog run mode




￿:Operation panel jog run mode enabled





<Examples of jog run (SW1 set to sink logic) >



S3-CC (JOG) ON + F-CC ON: Forward jog run


S3-CC (JOG) ON + R-CC ON: Reverse jog run

( Normal operation frequency signal input + F-CC ON: Forward run, Normal operation frequency signal input + R-CC ON: Reverse run )

Output frequency [Hz]





Set frequency








Forward run


















Time [s]!





Input of operation frequency setting signal

The jog run setting terminal (S3-CC) is enabled when the operation frequency is below the jog run frequency. This connection does not function at an operation frequency exceeding the jog run frequency.

The motor can be operated in jog mode while the jog run setting terminals are connected (S3-CC: ON).

Jog run has priority, even when a new operation command is given during operation.

Even during panel operation (￿￿￿￿ =￿), the inverter can be switched forcibly to jog run mode by turning on or off the input terminal if parameter ￿￿￿￿ (input terminal priority selection) is set to ￿ and the jog run setting function (￿￿, ￿￿) is assigned to the input terminal.

Even for ￿￿￿￿=￿ or ￿, an emergency DC braking becomes enabled when setting ￿￿￿￿=￿.

If a forward run command and a reverse run command are entered simultaneously while ￿￿￿￿ (priority selection (both F-CC and R-CC are ON)) is set to ￿ (reverse run), operation modes are switched as follows: forward jog run deceleration stop (jog frequency 0Hz) reverse jog run. Keep this in mind.

The jog frequency is not restricted by the upper limit frequency (￿￿).


Page 135
Image 135
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Jog run mode, ST-CC S3-CC