
6.16Light-load high-speed operation function

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed operation selection

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed learning function

￿￿￿￿: Automatic light-load high-speed operation frequency

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed operation switching lower limit frequency

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed operation load waiting time

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed operation load detection time

￿￿￿￿: Light-load high-speed operation heavy load detection time

￿￿￿￿: Switching load torque during power running

￿￿￿￿: Heavy-load torque during power running

￿￿￿￿: Heavy-load torque during constant-speed power running

￿￿￿￿: Switching load torque during regenerative braking

￿For details, refer to Instruction Manual (E6581327) specified in Section 6.42.

6.17 Braking function


: Creeping time 1


: Brake release time







: Braking mode selection


: Creeping frequency







: Load portion torque input selection


: Creeping time 2








: Hoisting torque bias input


: Braking time learning function







: Lowering torque bias multiplier


: Brake release inhibition time after run







• Function

These parameters can be used as brake sequences for lifts and similar equipment.

To ensure smooth operation, the motor produces enough torque before the brake is released.

In case of setting ￿￿￿￿#0.00, braking sequence function with current monitor can be used via the cooperation of ￿￿￿￿ with low current detection. After exciting forcing and ￿￿￿￿, Only in case of load current is bigger than low current detection level (￿￿￿￿($￿￿￿￿)), braking release output (output terminal function 68 (positive logic) / 69 (negative logic) will be output.



Adjustment range

Default setting


Creeping time 1

￿￿￿~￿￿￿ sec. ￿







Braking mode selection

￿:Forward winding up￿


￿:Reverse winding up￿






￿:Horizontal operation








￿:VI/II (voltage/current input)




￿:RR/S4 (potentiometer/voltage input)



Load portion torque input

￿:RX (voltage input)



￿:￿￿￿￿ enabled




￿:2-wire RS485 input enabled







￿:4-wire RS485 input enabled




￿:Communications option input enabled




￿:Optional AI1 (differential current input)



Hoisting torque bias input (valid

-￿￿￿~￿￿￿ %


only when ￿￿￿￿=￿)





Lowering torque bias multiplier

￿~￿￿￿ %



Brake release time

￿￿￿~￿￿￿ sec. ￿



Creeping frequency

￿￿￿￿~￿￿￿ Hz￿



Creeping time2

￿￿￿~￿￿￿ sec. ￿



Braking time learning function



￿:Brake signal learning (0 after adjustment)





Brake release inhibition time after run

￿￿￿~￿￿￿ sec.￿



Page 145
Image 145
Toshiba VF-AS1 Light-load high-speed operation function, Braking function, Creeping time Hoisting torque bias input