
Note 2: If ￿￿ is set at 2.0kHz or above, it cannot be decreased below 2.0kHz during operation. Changes made to decrease ￿￿ below 2.0kHz take effect when operation is restarted after it is stopped.

Note 3: If ￿￿ is 1.9kHz or less, you cannot change the setting at 2.0kHz or more. Changes made to increase ￿￿ to 2.0kHz or above take effect immediately.

Note 4: If ￿￿ (V/f control mode selection) is set to ￿, ￿, ￿, ￿, or ￿, the inverter sets a lower limit of 2.0kHz for ￿￿.

Note 5: If ￿￿￿￿=￿ or ￿ is set, it automatically becomes V/f control (￿￿=0) mode. Moreover, the lower-limit of the career frequency becomes 4kHz.

Note 6: If you change the carrier frequency, you may need to reduce the inverter’s continuous output current.

￿Refer to Section 1.4.4, “Current reduction curve.”

Note 7: If the motor becomes overloaded when ￿￿￿￿ is set to ￿ ! ￿ or ￿ (carrier frequency not decreased automatically), Main circuit element overheat protection (OC1P, OC2P, OC3P) may operate.

Note 8: For the setting ￿￿￿￿=￿ or ￿ to take effect, power needs to be turned off and then turned back on.

Note 9: When setting ￿￿￿￿ to ￿ or ￿, be sure to set ￿￿at 4.0kHz or less.

Note 10: When setting the carrier frequency (￿￿) between ￿ and ￿.￿kHz, you are recommended to set ￿￿￿￿

below 130%.

Note 11: This parameter works at 200V-55kW and above models, and 400V-90kW and above models.

Note 12: If carrier frequency (￿￿) value is set by more than 4 kHz on the assumption that the length of the cable is 30m or less, set ￿￿￿￿=1.

5.18Trip-less intensification

5.18.1Auto-restart (Restart during coasting)


￿￿￿: Auto-restart control selection

￿￿￿￿: Auto-restart"mode


Do not go near motors and equipment.

Motors and equipment that have stopped temporarily after momentary power failure will restart suddenly after recovery. This could result in unexpected injury.

Mandatory • Attach warnings about sudden restart after a momentary power failure on inverters, motors and equipment for prevention of accidents in advance.


Auto-restart detect the rotating speed and direction of rotation of the motor during coasting or momentary power failure, to ensure that the motor restarts smoothly (Motor speed search function). This parameter also allows commercial power operation to be switched to inverter operation without stopping the motor.

During operation, “￿￿￿￿” is displayed.

1)Auto-restart after momentary power failure (Auto-restart function)

Input voltage"

Motor speed "



#￿￿￿=￿: This function operates after power has been restored following detection of an undervoltage by the main circuits and control power.



Adjustment range

Default setting

Setting value







Auto-restart control

￿:At auto-restart after momentary stop




￿:When turning ST on or off


￿ or ￿



￿: ￿ + ￿









￿:At start-up



*If the motor is restarted in retry mode, this function will operate, regardless of the setting of this parameter.

*The function (￿￿￿=￿,￿,￿,￿) is activated when the reset of trip or the power is turned on.

*The function (￿￿￿=￿,￿) is activated when an undervoltage is detected in the main circuit.


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Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual Trip-less intensification, Refer to .4.4, Current reduction curve Below 130%