

<Frequency setting mode selection>




[Parameter setting]











Adjustment range

Default setting








￿:VI/II (voltage/current input)









￿:RR/S4 (potentiometer/voltage input)









￿:RX (voltage input)









￿:Operation panel input enabled (including









LED/LCD option input)









￿:2-wire RS485 communication input






Frequency setting mode

￿:4-wire RS485 communication input





selection 1

￿:Communication option input














￿:Optional AI1 (differential current input)









:Optional AI2 (voltage/current input)









￿￿:Motor operated pot mop setting









￿￿:Optional RP pulse input









￿￿:Optional high-speed pulse input









￿￿: - [Note 1]




[Programmed value]








VI/II input

Speed setting commands are entered by external signals (0~10Vdc or 4(0)~20mAdc).



RR/S4 input

Speed setting commands are entered by external signals (RR/S4 terminal:0~10Vdc).


RX input

Speed setting commands are entered by external signals (RX terminal:0~±10Vdc











Operation panel input

Press the


keys on the operation panel to set the













(including LED/LCD option input)



2-wire RS485 communication operation


Speed commands are entered from the 2-wire







RS485 communications device. (Communication










4-wire RS485 communication operation

Speed commands are entered from the 4-wire RS485






communications device.






(Communication No.:FA05)



Communication option input enabled

Speed commands are entered from an optional






communication device.






￿ For details, refer to Instruction Manual (E6581281,






E6581343, E6581288) specified in Section 6.42.



AI1 input

Speed setting commands are entered by external signals (AI1 terminal (option):




0~±10Vdc (±5Vdc)).





AI2 input

Speed setting commands are entered by external signals (AI2 terminal: 0~10Vdc or




4(0)~20mAdc) (optional).





Motor operated pot mop setting Speed commands are entered by means of motor operated pot mop





setting signals from the terminal board. ￿ Refer to Section 7.2.



RP pulse input

Speed commands are entered by means of RP pulses (optional).



High-speed pulse input

Speed commands are entered by means of high-speed pulses



Note 1: For options (unsupported)


Page 77
Image 77
Toshiba VF-AS1 VI/II input, RR/S4 input, RX input, Operation panel input, AI1 input, AI2 input, RP pulse input