
- Warning -

• When switching to commercial power, make sure that the direction in which the motor rotates when operated on commercial power agrees with the forward direction when operated via the inverter.

• Do not select any option (￿￿￿￿=￿) of ￿￿￿￿ (reverse rotation prohibition selection) that prohibits forward rotation. Or it becomes impossible to switch to commercial power, because the motor cannot rotate in the forward direction.

6.20PID control




: PID control switching



: Process lower limit￿












: PID control feedback control signal selection


: PID control waiting time￿












: Delay filter



: PID output upper limit












: Proportional (P) gain



: PID output lower limit












: Integral (I) gain



: Process increasing rate












: PID deviation upper limit



(speed type PID control)












: PID deviation lower limit



: Process decreasing rate












: Differential (D) gain



(speed type PID control)￿












: Process upper limit



: PID output dead band













Using feedback signals (4 to 20mA, 0 to 10V) from a detector, process control can be exercised, for




example, to keep the airflow, amount of flow or pressure constant.














% For details, see instruction Manual(E6581329)specified in Section.




[Parameter setting]


















Adjustment range























￿:No PID control








￿:Process type PID control







PID control switching

(temp./pressure, etc.) operation















2:Speed type PID control







(potentiometer, etc.) operation















￿:Deviation input (no feedback input)








￿:VI/II (voltage/current input)







PID control feedback control signal

￿:RR/S4 (potentiometer/voltage input)







￿:RX (voltage input)












￿:Optional AI1 (differential current input)








￿:Optional AI2 (voltage/current input)








￿: PG feedback option







Delay filter
















Proportional (P) gain








Integral (I) gain








PID deviation upper limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz















PID deviation lower limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿







Differential (D) gain








Process upper limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿







Process lower limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿







PID control waiting time

￿~￿￿￿￿ sec.







PID output upper limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿







PID output lower limit

￿￿~￿￿ Hz￿







Process increasing rate (speed type







PID control)















Process decreasing rate (speed type







PID control)















PID output dead band






*&: Inverter with a model number ending with -WN,HN: ￿￿￿￿ -WP: ￿￿￿￿￿



Page 150
Image 150
Toshiba VF-AS1 instruction manual PID control switching Process lower limit, Differential D gain