81 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 5.1.1 Copyright © 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Answers to 5.1.1 Lab
1b. Yes
1d. Yes
3c. Student dependent, but it should be 10.X0.0.X (where the first X is the pod number and the
second X is a number other than 1 or 4—these are used by the router and the switch).
3e. No, the student could not log in because the web admin system command was used to define
the username and password needed to access CallManager Express through a web page.
3g. Configure, Voice Mail, Administration, Reports, and Help
3i. The answer depends on what the student configured the maximum number of extensions to be.
If the automated phone setup lab was used, the response is 4.
3l. The number of buttons on the phone depends on the model. The 7940 model has 2 buttons
and the 7960 model has 6 buttons. Yes, the number of buttons on the screen corresponds to
the number of buttons on the phone.
3o. Configuration has been successfully changed.
3q. The phone resets automatically and the name Alyssa is seen beside the second button on the
IP phone.
3r. The phone now has the message that was chosen displayed directly beside the second phone
button on the right.
3s. The other phone rings.
4f. Even though both phones resets, it does not occur simultaneously. One phone resets and then
the other one resets.
4h. Last name first
4k. A message appears at the bottom of the phone with the words typed in the System Message
4l. Answers will vary, but one thought is that a system administrator might send a message about
planned system maintenance or changes using this method.