f.From the analog phone attached to router FXS port, dial the number associated with the analog phone attached to the Adtran. The phone numbers used on the Adtran Octal FXS ports are as follows: port 1 phone number is
g.Does the called analog phone ring? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting before proceeding. ____________
h.From enable mode on the router, debug the dial peer information.
CMERouterX# debug voice dialpeer all
i.While viewing the debug output, list the line that proves that the dial peer works correctly.
j.Turn the debugging off.
CMERouterX# undebug all
k.Test the configuration by calling from an IP Phone to the analog phone attached directly to the Adtran.
l.Did the call work? If not, perform appropriate troubleshooting before proceeding. ___________
57 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 4.1.2 | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |