Step 5 Assign a name to the switch
a.Enter privilege mode and then configuration mode. Use the hostname CMESwitchX command (where X is the pod number) to name the switch. Throughout the rest of the lab, use IP Telephony Table 1 parameters based on the pod number assigned.
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# hostname CMESwitchX
Step 6 Examine the current running configuration
a.From privileged mode, exam the current configuration that follows to verify that there is no configuration except for the hostname:
CMESwitchX# show running-config
b.Are there any passwords set on the console or VTY lines? ______________________________
c.What does the configuration show as the hostname of this switch? _______________________
Step 7 Set access passwords
Enter line configuration mode for the console port. Set the password on the console port to cisco. Configure the VTY lines with the password of cisco.
CMESwitchX# configure terminal
CMESwitchX(config)# line console 0
Step 8 Set the command mode password
a.Set the enable secret password to cisco.
CMESwitchX(config)# enable secret cisco
b.Which password takes precedence, the enable password or enable secret password?
Step 9 Configure Layer 3 access to the switch
a.Set the IP address of the switch to 10.X.0.4/24 (where X is the pod number). Note: This is done on the internal virtual interface VLAN 1.
CMESwitchX(config)# interface vlan 1
b. What is the purpose of the management VLAN? _____________________________
13 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 2.1.1b | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |