Step 1 Configure the Intercom
a.Ensure the two IP phones can connect to one another before this lab begins. Troubleshoot as necessary.
b.Access the CME router using the
c.Click on the Add link. In the Extension Number: textbox, type D3333. Select a Sequence number from the
d.What sequence number was selected for the D3333 extension? _________________________
This number will be used later in the configuration.
e.In the Extension Type
f.Click on the Add button to add this extension. When prompted to save the changes, click on the OK button. A message appears that the extension was added; click OK. When prompted to add the new extension to the new phone, click on the OK button. When the message appears that there is no new phone to add or that there is no free sequence number, click OK.
g.Add a second new extension using the same method. Set the extension number to D4444 with a unique sequence number, an extension type of Intercom, a name of Intercom, a label of Intercom, an intercom number of D3333, and all other settings left at default. Save these changes.
h.What sequence number was chosen for the D444 extension? ___________________________
This number will be used in the next part of the configuration.
i.Point to the Configure menu option and select the Phones option. Click on the MAC address of the first IP phone. The MAC address is located in the Phone Physical ID column.
j.Go to the Speed Dial Information section and delete any speed dials located there. This is done in case the phone has only two buttons. Even if the phone has multiple buttons, future labs are not affected.
k.In the Phone Line Buttons section, select an unused button by clicking on the button number link located in the Button column.
l.Locate the D3333 Intercom option and click in the checkbox beside the sequence number.
m.Click on the Save link at the top of the window. Click on the Change button at the bottom of the window. Respond to the next two messages by clicking on OK. The IP phone should reboot.
n.What indication does the first IP phone give that this configuration was made successfully?
o.Select the MAC address of the second IP phone. Delete any speed dials. Select a free phone line button number link. Locate the D4444 Intercom option and click in the checkbox beside the sequence number. Click on the Save link at the top of the window. Click on the Change button. Respond to the next two messages by clicking on OK. The IP phone should reboot.
103 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 5.1.7 | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |