•Create credentials of ACMEcust with a password of cisco
•Copy the XML file using a TFTP server
•Examine the context of the XML file
Step 1 Configure a Phone using the GUI interface for the Customer Administrator
a.Ensure the phones can connect to one another. If they cannot, redo previous labs.
b.Use the show
CMERouterX# show
c.Open the Web browser on the student PC and enter the URL of http://10.X0.0.1/ccme.html (where X is the pod number). Use ACMEadmin for the username and cisco for the password. This allows access to the GUI as the system administrator.
d.Point to the Configure menu option, and select System Parameters. Ensure the Administrator’s Login Account option (the first menu option on the left) is selected.
e.From the Admin User Type:
Admin User Name: textbox, type in ACMEcust. Note that usernames are case sensitive in Call Manager Express. The Customer Administrator category allows a person to be given rights to change some of the phone parameters. The account by default has the ability to change the same things as the administrator, but this account can be customized to remove authority.
f.Set the New Password and Confirm Password to cisco in both textboxes. Passwords are also case sensitive.
g.Click on the Change button and select OK when asked to confirm the change. A confirmation window pops up stating the change has been implemented. Click on OK.
h.Logout of the CallManager GUI by clicking on the Logout link in the upper right corner.
Step 2 Review Changes to the Configuration
a.Console into the Cisco CallManager Express router and go to privileged mode.
b.Use the show
c.What changes to the configuration occurred as a result of adding the Customer Administrator?
Step 3 Test the New Account
a.Return to the GUI CME Web page by typing the URL http://10.X0.0.1/ccme.html (where X is the pod number) in a web browser.
b.When prompted for a username and password, use the
c.How many System Parameters can be changed using the Customer Administrator account?
d.Logout of the CallManager GUI by clicking on the Logout link in the upper right corner.
e.Open up another browser window and return to the CallManager Express GUI interface by typing http://10.X0.0.1/ccme.html in the address line.
83 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 5.1.2 | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |