Step 1 Configure the TFTP server
Note: If the router has multiple Ethernet interfaces use the lowest numbered interface. For example, if there are two Ethernet interface, 0 and 1, then 0 should be used.
a.Ensure the computer that has the TFTP server application loaded on it is connected to the Ethernet port of the router. Be sure that the computer has an appropriate IP address and default gateway assigned. See the IP Telephony Table 1 for IP addressing assignment. An example IP address is and default gateway of, where the 1 in the second octet is equal to the pod number and the number in the fourth octet is 2, 3 or any number between 5 and 254.
b.Ensure that the appropriate router IOS file that supports CallManager Express is placed in the default folder for the TFTP server application. Obtain this file from the instructor.
c.Open the TFTP server application.
d.Console to the router. From the router ping the TFTP server. Do not proceed unless the ping is successful. Troubleshoot as necessary.
e.What address is assigned to the TFTP server? ____________________________________
Step 2 Update and Install Cisco CallManager Express IOS
a.From enable mode, copy the IOS image from the TFTP server to the router. The prompts may vary depending on the model and IOS.
CMERouterX# copy tftp: flash:
Source filename? [Enter the IOS filename. It is best to copy and past the filename into this section.]
Address or name of remote host? [Enter the address assigned to the TFTP server. See step 1e.]
Destination filename? [The filename should be the same as what was placed in the source filename and Enter can be pressed.]
When and if prompted to overwrite enter y for yes.
(Address or name of remote host is the IP address of the TFTP server. Source filename is the filename of the Voice IOS located on the TFTP server. Destination filename is the same name as Source filename. Contact the instructor to obtain the correct router IOS that supports IP Telephony.)
An example of the process follows:
CMERouter1# copy tftp flash:
Address or name of remote host? Source filename?
Accessing tftp://
b.Was the TFTP transfer successful? _______________________
If not, troubleshoot until the transfer is successful. Do not proceed without a successful transfer.
21 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Lab 2.1.2 | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |