headed to the PC will be be untagged (PC’s do not support tagged packets). Finally, configure the port connected to the Router as a trunk port.
Switch1(config)# interface range fast0/5 – 10
Switch1(config)# interface fast0/1
e. Configure the switch2 (connected to R2) in a similar way.
Switch2# delete flash:vlan.dat
Switch2# erase
Switch2# reload
Switch2# vlan database
Switch2(vlan)# vlan 20 name DATA state active
Switch2(vlan)# vlan 25 name VOICE state active
Switch2(vlan)# exit
Switch2(config)# interface range fast0/5 – 10
Switch2(config)# interface fast0/1
Step 2: Basic CME Router Configuration
l.In this lab, you will be working with two routers. Connect to their console port and power them on. If the routers have a configuration already on it, erase the router and reload it.
m.Enter privilege exec mode.
n.Configure the hostname, passwords, interfaces, console and telnet access, eigrp routing
protocol like the figure and make sure that both routers can reach each other. Use the ping command to troubleshoot, if necessary. The R1 and R2 configuration files are listed end of this document. Your files should be similar to the listed here.
125 - 165 IP Telephony v1.0 Case Study 1: | Copyright ♥ 2005, Cisco Systems, Inc. |