4Click Apply Changes. For more information about Direct Connect Basic and Direct Connect Terminal modes, see "Configuring Serial and Terminal Modes" on page 106.

Direct Connect Basic mode will enable you to use such tools as ipmish directly through the serial connection. For example, to print the System Event Log using ipmish via IPMI Basic mode, run the following command:

ipmish -com 1 -baud 57600 -flow cts -u root -p calvin sel get

Direct Connect Terminal mode will enable you to issue ASCII commands to the iDRAC6. For example, to power on/off the server via Direct Connect Terminal mode:

1Connect to iDRAC6 via terminal emulation software

2Type the following command to login:

[SYS PWD -U root calvin]

You will see the following in response:



3Type the following command to verify a successful login:


You will see the following in response:


4To power off the server (server will immediately power off), type the following command:


5To power on the server (server will immediately power on):



Advanced iDRAC6 Configuration

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Dell IDRAC6 manual 100