Recovering and Troubleshooting the Managed System 329
Table 19-5. IPv4 Information
Field Description
IPv4 Enabled Yes or No
IP Address The 32-bit address that identifies the Network Interface Card
(NIC) to a host. The value is in the dot separated format,
such as
Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask identifies the parts of the IP Address that
are the Extended Network Prefix and the Host Number. The
value is in the dot separated format, such as
Gateway The address of a router or a switch. The value is in the dot
separated format, such as
DHCP Enabled Yes or No. Indicates if the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) is enabled.
Use DHCP to obtain
DNS server addresses
Yes or No. Indicates if you want to use DHCP to obtain DNS
server addresses.
Preferred DNS Server Indicates the static IPv4 address for the preferred DNS server.
Alternate DNS Server Indicates the static IPv4 address for the alternate DNS server.
Table 19-6. IPv6 Information Fields
Field Description
IPv6 Enabled Indicates whether IPv6 stack is enabled.
IP Address 1 Specifies the IPv6 address/prefix length for the iDRAC6 NIC.
The prefix length is combined with the IP Address 1. This is
an integer specifying the prefix length of the IPv6 address. It
can be a value between 1 and 128.
IP Gateway Specifies the gateway for the iDRAC6 NIC.
Link Local Address Specifies the iDRAC6 NIC IPv6 address.
IP Address 2...15 Specifies the additional IPv6 addresses for the iDRAC6 NIC,
if available.