racadm config -g cfgActiveDirectory -o cfgADGcSRVLookupEnable=1

racadm config -g cfgActiveDirectory -o cfgADGcRootDomain

If you want to disable the certificate validation during SSL handshake, type the following RACADM command:

racadm config -g cfgActiveDirectory -o cfgADCertValidationEnable 0

In this case, no Certificate Authority (CA) certificate needs to be uploaded.

If you want to enforce the certificate validation during SSL handshake, type the following RACADM command:

racadm config -g cfgActiveDirectory -o cfgADCertValidationEnable 1

In this case, you must also upload the CA certificate using the following RACADM command:

racadm sslcertupload -t 0x2 -f <ADS root CA certificate>

Using the following RACADM command may be optional. See "Importing the iDRAC6 Firmware SSL Certificate" on page 147 for additional information.

racadm sslcertdownload -t 0x1 -f <RAC SSL certificate>

2If you want to specify the time in seconds to wait for Active Directory (AD) queries to complete before timing out, type the following command:

racadm config -g cfgActiveDirectory -o cfgADAuthTimeout <time in seconds>

3If DHCP is enabled on the iDRAC6 and you want to use the DNS provided by the DHCP server, type the following RACADM commands:

racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSServersFromDHCP 1


Using the iDRAC6 Directory Service

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Image 176
Dell IDRAC6 manual 176