CANopen DSP 402 Implementation Guide
Object 0x606E: Velocity window time
The corresponding bit 10 target reached is set in the statusword when the difference between the target velocity and the velocity actual value is within the velocity window longer than the velocity window time. The value of the velocity window time is given in multiples of milliseconds.
Object description:
| Index |
| 606Eh |
| Name |
| Velocity window time |
| Object code |
| VAR |
| Data type |
| Category |
| Optional |
Entry description: |
| |
| Access |
| Read/write |
| PDO mapping |
| No |
| Value range |
| Default value |
| 0 |
Object 0x606F: Velocity threshold
As soon as the velocity actual value exceeds the velocity threshold longer than the velocity threshold time bit 12, velocity = 0, is reset in the statusword. Below this threshold, the bit is set and indicates that the axle is stationery. The value is given in velocity units.
Object description:
| Index |
| 606Fh |
| Name |
| Velocity threshold |
| Object code |
| VAR |
| Data type |
| Category |
| Optional |
Entry description: |
| |
| Access |
| Read/write |
| PDO mapping |
| No |
| Value range |
| Default value |
| No |