CANopen DSP 402 Implementation Guide
10: Position Control Function
6062h: Position demand value in position units
6063h: Position actual value in increments
6064h: Position actual value
6065h: Following error window
6067h: Position window
6068h: Position window time out
60F4h: Following error actual value
60FAh: Position control effort
60FCh: Position demand value in increments
10.1General Information
This chapter describes all parameters required for
To ensure that the physical limits of a drive are not exceeded, an absolute limit function is implemented for the position control effort. The Elmo drive implements a cascaded control loop in which the position control effort is a velocity demand value for the velocity control loop. For further information about tuning the position loop and using the Composer Wizard, refer to the SimplIQ Composer User Manual and the SimplIQ Software Manual.
The following terms are used in this chapter:
Following error:
A position actual value outside the allowed range of the following error window around a position demand value for longer than the following error timeout results in setting bit 13, following error, in the statusword.
The position following error calculates each cycle of the position control. The position demand value must be set lower than the setup value of the drive following error ER[3]. When the position following error exceeds ER[3], the motion aborts.
Position reached:
This function provides the option of defining a position range around a position demand value to be regarded as valid. If a drive position is within this area for a specified time — the position window time — the related control bit 10 target reached in the statusword is set. Bit 10 is reset to 0 when the motor is off.
The position range in the Elmo servo drive is limited to ±1 * 109 regardless of the DSP 402 maximum range.