CANopen DSP 402 Implementation Guide
Bit 4: Voltage Enabled:
High voltage is applied to the drive when this bit is set to 1.
Bit 5: Quick Stop:
When reset, this bit indicates that the drive is reacting to a Quick Stop request. Bits 0, 1 and 2 of the statusword must be set to 1 to indicate that the drive is capable of regenerating. The setting of the other bits indicates the status of the drive (for example, the drive is performing a quick stop in reaction to a
Bit 7: Warning:
A drive warning is present if bit 7 is set. While no error has occurred, this state must still be indicated; for example, job refused. The status of the drive does not change. The cause of this warning may be found by reading the fault code parameter. This bit is set when an illegal controlword is received and reset after at least one statusword of this transition has been transmitted.
Bit 8:
This bit is reserved for the manufacturer. It is not used and is set to 0.
Bit 9: Remote:
If bit 9 is set, parameters may be modified via the CAN network, and the drive executes the contents of a command message. If the bit remote is reset, the drive is in local mode and does not execute the command message. The drive may transmit messages containing actual valid values such as a position actual value, depending on the actual drive configuration. The drive accepts accesses via SDO in local mode.
The Remote bit is always set by the Elmo servo drive.
Bit 10: Target Reached:
Bit 10 is set by the drive to indicate that a
If the quick stop option code is 5 or 6, this bit is set when the quick stop operation is finished and the drive is halted.
If a Halt occurs and the drive has halted, this bit is also set.
Bit 11: Internal Limit Active:
The drive can set this bit to indicate that an internal limitation is active (such as software position limit).
Bits 12 and 13:
These bits are
| Operation Mode |
| |
Bit |
vl | pp | pv | tq | hm | ip | |
12 | Reserved | Speed | Reserved | Homing | ip mode | |
| acknowledge |
| attained | active |
13 | Reserved | Following | Max slippage | Reserved | Homing | Reserved |
| error | error |
| error |