Firewall configuration | Services |
5To remove addresses from the address group, select an address from the Members list and select the left arrow to remove it from the group.
6Select OK to add the address group.
Figure 8: Adding an internal address group
Use services to determine the types of communication accepted or denied by the firewall. You can add any of the predefined services to a policy. You can also create custom services and add services to service groups.
This section describes:
•Predefined services
•Adding custom TCP and UDP services
•Adding custom ICMP services
•Adding custom IP services
•Grouping services
Predefined services
The FortiGate predefined firewall services are listed in Table 18. You can add these services to any policy.
Table 18: FortiGate predefined services
Service name | Description | Protocol | Port |
ANY | Match connections on any port. A connection | all | all |
| that uses any of the predefined services is |
| allowed through the firewall. |
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