accept policy 141
policy option 141 ActiveX 240
removing from web pages 240 address 146
adding 147 editing 148 group 148 IP/MAC binding 165 virtual IP 157
address group 148 example 149 address name 147 addressing mode DHCP 95
PPPoE 96 admin access level
administrator account 124 administrative access
to an interface 97 administrative status
changing for an interface 94 administrator account
adding 123, 124 admin 124
changing password 125 editing 123, 124 netmask 124, 125 permission 125 trusted host 124, 125
alert email configuring 257 configuring SMTP server 258 content of messages 222 critical firewall or VPN events 258 enabling 258
hard disk full 258 intrusion attempts 258 reducing messages 218 testing 258
virus incidents 258
allow inbound encrypt policy 142
allow outbound encrypt policy 142
allow traffic
IP/MAC binding 164
policy 143
antivirus definition updates manual 63
antivirus definitions
updating 73 antivirus updates 76 configuring 77
through a proxy server 78 attack definition updates
downloading 90 manual 63
attack definitions updating 73, 75
attack detection checksum verification 216 disabling the NIDS 216
enabling and disabling signatures 218 selecting interfaces to monitor 216 viewing the signature list 217
attack log 253
content of messages 222 reducing messages 218
attack prevention
configuring signature threshold values 221 enabling prevention signatures 220 NIDS 220
attack updates configuring 77 scheduling 76
through a proxy server 78 authentication 143, 171
configuring 172 enabling 177 LDAP server 175 RADIUS server 174 timeout 122
device in route 101
263 |