logging 251 attack log 253
configuring traffic settings 255 connections to an interface 98 email filter log 253 enabling alert email 258 event log 253
filtering log messages 253 log to remote host 251 log to WebTrends 252 message levels 253 recording 251 selecting what to log 253 traffic log 253
traffic logging 98 traffic sessions 254 update log 253 virus log 253
web filtering log 253 logs
recording on NetIQ WebTrends server 252
MAC address 260 IP/MAC binding 163
malicious scripts
removing from web pages 240, 250 management access
to an interface 97 management interface 99 management IP address
transparent mode 43 manual IP address
interface 94 manual keys
introduction 180 matching
policy 145 maximum bandwidth 143 memory status 67, 68 messages
replacement 128
FortiGate 128 modem
adding firewall policies 111 backup mode 107, 110 configuring 107 configuring settings 108 connecting to a dialup account 109 connecting to FortiGate unit 108 disconnecting 109
interface 107
standalone mode 107, 110 viewing status 110
system status 70 monitored interfaces 216 monitoring
system status 67 MTU size 98
changing 98 definition 260
improving network performance 98 interface 98
policy option 142 push update 79
NAT mode
adding policy 140 introduction 13 IP addresses 36
NAT/Route mode changing to 66 configuration from the CLI 36
administrator account 124, 125 network address translation
introduction 13
Network Intrusion Detection System 215 network status 68
next hop router 97 NIDS 215
attack prevention 220 detection 215 prevention 220 reducing alert email 222
reducing attack log messages 222
NTP 38, 45, 151, 260 NTP server 121
setting system date and time 121
operating mode
changing to NAT/Route mode 66 changing to Transparent mode 65
changing system options 122 Outbound NAT
encrypt policy 142 override serve
adding 76, 77 oversized files and email
blocking 228
267 |