Table 4 - 1. Summary of PLC Data Types
PLC Type
GBC Series
GBC Series
GBC Series Six
GBC Series Five
GCM Series 90- 30
GCM+ Series 90- 30
Genius Internal
OTHER — Global Data only
Series Six GBC, with diagnostics (IC660CBB902) or without diagnostics (IC660CBB903)
Series Five GBC, IC655BEM510
Connection for the
Genius device that does not fit into one of the above categories
Memory Types Supported
%R, %AI, %AQ,
%P, <block> %L, %I, %Q, %T, %M, %S, %SA, %SB, %SC,
%G, %GA, %GB, %GC, %GD, %GE, %GI*, %GAI*
%R, %AI, %AQ, %I, %Q, %T, %M, %S, %SA, %SB, %SC, %G, %GI*, %GAI*
%R, %I, %O,
%GI*, %GAI*
%I, %I1+, %I2+,
%GI*, %GAI*
%GI*, %GAI*
%GQ*, %GAQ*
%GI*, %GAI*
*The PANELWARE Genius Controller can receive Global Data from any connection capable of supplying it, and can send its own Global Data to other devices on the bus. Memory types %GI and %GAI refer to receiving global data in bit or word mode, respectively; %GQ and %GAQ refer to broadcasting global data in bit or word mode, respectively.
**The special variables available for the Genius Internal connection are defined as follows:
Interface. A value of 0 indicates no error; an
BUS_ERR_CNT (internal data type of WORD UNSIGNED) — the count of the total Genius bus errors detected by the C400 Controller Genius interface since the Controller was last reset.
BUS_SCAN_T (internal data type of WORD UNSIGNED) — the current bus scan time, as observed by the C400 Controller Genius interface and updated each bus scan. It represents the amount of time in milliseconds between the Controller’s two previous turns on the bus. If the Controller cannot access the Genius bus, the bus scan time will be set to 65535.
BUS_ADR (internal data type of BYTE) — the Genius serial bus address assigned to the C400 Controller via the device number rotary switches when the Controller was last reset.
GENI_FW (internal data type of BYTE) — the firmware revision of the C400 Controller Genius interface hardware. For proper display of the revision, use an OUTPUT BIT/BYTE field with one place after the decimal point to yield a display format of X.Y, where “X” is the major revision and “Y” is the minor revision.
4 - 4 | PANELWARE MMI Application Manual for GE Fanuc Genius Protocol - June 1995 |