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Press the F2 Field function key to open the Field Class selection window.
Select the Output Field entry from the list and press ↵ to access the Select Field Type window.
Several output field types can be chosen from this widow:
For this example, select the Output Word (signed) field type. This results in a data entry form (with default entries) being opened on the screen.
In the Output Word window, change the following entries as shown by highlighting them using the cursor keys, then typing the new text:
Places after dec. point: | 2 |
To complete an entry, you must press ↵. If you change an entry and then press a cursor key instead, your entry will be ignored and the previous contents of the entry will be restored.
VALUE1 is a symbolic name for a memory location in the PLC. Assigning symbolic names to the actual PLC addresses is accomplished using the connection editor.
Press the F4 Accept function key to close the field and confirm it as part of the picture. The field should be displayed within the picture:
3 - 24 | PANELWARE MMI Application Manual for GE Fanuc Genius Protocol - June 1995 |