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Section 4 Description of the Demo Project
General Information
The following symbols and representations will be used in the project description:
F1 ... F4 Function 1 to 4 (Function depends on the current picture)
+p+/+n+ Cursor to previous/next input field +P+/+N+ Change to previous/next picture
+G+ Group acknowledgment for alarms
0 ... 9 Numbers 0 to 9
.Decimal point
←If the cursor is in an input field, this key deletes the last entered character.
±Sign change in numerical input fields
EConfirmation of the entry in an input field
CDeletes the entry in an input field
Key LEDs:
Function keys with specific functions are defined for every picture. The LEDs for keys that have assigned functions are either lit or blinking.
The numeric Keyblock module shown throughout the following sections may be different from yours, which may not have the E and C keys. Instead, the E (Enter) key may be the ↵ symbol and the C key (CLEAR) may be the ← symbol.
Chapter 6 Demo Project | 6 - 7 |