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Follow these steps to create this picture:
1.Open the picture editor from the main menu with key combination Ctrl + B.
2.Insert all lines and text so that your picture looks like this:
3.Insert a scaled input field for the Hours (HH) entry in the picture. Follow these steps:
●Position the cursor at (4,1).
●Press F2 Field.
●Select the entry Input Field from the Field class selection window and then press the ↵ key.
●Select the Input Bit/Byte input field from the Select field type. Bit/Byte must be selected because the internal variable TIME_HH_S is of data type Byte unsigned (data types of the field and the internal variable must be the same). The window in which the parameters for the selected input field can be entered or changed is displayed:
●Enter 2 in the Number of Digits line and press the ↵ key.
●Enter TIME_HH_S/DI as the Destination Tagname and confirm the entry with ↵. In order to inform PCS that the entered variable is an internal variable, the connection ID, DI must be supplied, separated by a / character. Any lower case characters are automatically converted to upper case.
●Move the cursor into the Scaling line. Enter Y and then press ↵, to activate the scaling for this field.
●Now press F3 Scaling. The following window appears:
6 - 34 | PANELWARE MMI Application Manual for GE Fanuc Genius Protocol - June 1995 |