
Analytic Function




Arc Hyperbolic Tangent Analytic Function: Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the






For real arguments x > 1, ATANH returns the complex result obtained for the argument (x, 0).


For a real argument x=±1, an Infinite Result exception occurs. If flag –22 is set (no error), the


sign of the result (MAXR) matches that of the argument.



The inverse of TANH is a relation, not a function, since TANH sends more than one argument to


the same result. The inverse relation for TANH is expressed by ISOL as the general solution;







The function ATANH is the inverse of a part of TANH, a part defined by restricting the domain


of TANH such that:




each argument is sent to a distinct result, and



each possible result is achieved.




The points in this restricted domain of TANH are called the principal values of the inverse relation.


ATANH in its entirety is called the principal branch of the inverse relation, and the points sent by


ATANH to the boundary of the restricted domain of TANH form the branch cuts of ATANH.


The principal branch used by the calculator for ATANH was chosen because it is analytic in the


regions where the arguments of the real-valuedfunction are defined. The branch cut for the


complex-valued ATANH function occurs where the corresponding real-valued function is


undefined. The principal branch also preserves most of the important symmetries.


The graph for ATANH can be found from the graph for ATAN (see ATAN) and the relationship


atanh z = iatan iz.





(Ñis the right-shift of the 8key).


Principal Solution (–1), Numerical Results (–3), Infinite Result Exception (–22)















Level 1/Argument 1

Level 1/Item 1











atanh z











See also:

















Description: Axes Tick-Mark Command: Sets the axes tick-mark annotation in the reserved variable PPAR.

Given x, ATICK sets the tick-mark annotation to x units on both the x- and the y-axis. For example, 2 would place tick-marks every 2 units on both axes.

Given #n, ATICK sets the tick-mark annotation to #n pixels on both the x- and the y-axis. For example, #5 would place tick-marks every 5 pixels on both axes.

Given { x y }, ATICK sets the tick-mark unit annotation for each axis individually. For example,

{10 3 } would mark the x-axis at every multiple of 10 units, and the y-axis at every multiple of 3 units.

Given { #n #m } ATICK sets the tick-mark pixel annotation for each axis individually. For example, {#6 #2 } would mark the x-axis every 6 pixels, and the y-axis every 2 pixels.

Access: …µATICK

3-22 Full Command and Function Reference